Scrolling down your Facebook, you’ll find an array of posts so varied and random that you may scoff at the idea of any sort of posting strategy. But as with all marketing tools, there is a strategy to good social media content and strong Facebook posts will help your brand break through the social media chaos and get noticed by your customers.
Here are five tips for writing smarter Facebook posts.
Facebook posts shouldn’t be longer than 250 characters. The attention span of an average adult is 8 seconds. That’s a very short window of time to grab a reader’s attention. Don’t believe me? Pay attention next time you scroll through your Facebook feed. See what makes you laugh or linger. If it’s a paragraph, congrats—you’re officially an anomaly! More than likely, the posts that grabbed your attention were quips or short bursts of information.
If you’re an enthusiastic rambler saddened by the idea of only 250 characters, fear not. That’s what blogs are for.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a post on Facebook (especially from a business) that doesn’t feature some kind of visual, whether it’s a picture, video, visual advertisement or what-have-you. That’s because posts with visuals are receive an average of 120% more engagement than those without. Choose something fun, relevant and a color other than blue (you don’t want to get lost in the Facebook sea).
There is nothing worse than than a typo to ruin your credibility. Proofreading takes moments and will assure your customers that you care about what you’re putting out there.
(5 points to you if you noticed the typo in that paragraph.)
They say don’t air your dirty laundry. But personally, I don’t want to see anyone’s clean laundry either. Clean or dirty, no one wants to see your underwear. It’s okay to have an opinion on issues—community, politics, religion—but it’s also okay to bypass sharing those opinions on your business Facebook page. If it’s not something relevant to your brand, you don’t necessarily need to be taking a stance on social media.
I know—this seems painfully obvious. But consider this statistic: 87% of posts from customers to businesses go completely ignored. A dynamic post isn’t just necessarily one post. Remember to follow up on interactions and keep the conversation going.
Now get out there and strategically write your heart out!